Agile Australia 2023

Colleagues brainstorming their way to better business

As more organisations make the transition to Agile, the role of Agile coach is increasingly seen as essential to uplifting delivery capabilities. Here seasoned Agile coach, consultant and PM-Partners training facilitator Kathy Berkidge explains why an Agile coach is such an indispensable asset for today’s delivery team.

Business woman explaining something to another female colleague

With the considerable uptake of Agile and the need to build capability across organisations and teams, pursuing an Agile coaching career could be a smart move for the right practitioner. Here we consider the skills and attributes of the role and where a career as an Agile coach could take you.

Top 10 tips to embed Agile

Tips and tricks to effectively embed Agile

So, you’ve invested in building your team’s Agile capabilities and you’re eager to implement these new ways of working, but what next? The best advice we can give you is to slow down. Many organisations rush to adopt Agile and then fail to see a rise in their rates of delivery success. The reason being

Two colleagues drawing a diagram on a glass window with post-it notes

Agile is well known for its ability to deliver value in dynamic environments, which accounts for an increased adoption rate in recent years. However, organisations aren’t seeing the success they expect. Here Grant Moore, PM-Partners Agile Transformation lead, discusses how to ensure you’re getting the most from Agile.

Scaled Agile

Illustration of embedding Agile

In a rush to adopt Agile and benefit from its potential impact, many organisations are overlooking what it takes to successfully integrate Agile in the workplace. Here we share our top 10 tricks to embed Agile and ensure your transformation effort lives up to its promise.

Agile 1/2 day workshop

Quinn Dodsworth what is the agile journey

What is the Agile journey?

If you’re looking to make your organisation more responsive to change, embarking on ‘The Agile Journey’ is not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when’. Here we outline what this journey typically entails and provide access to some of the key information you need to set off on the right foot.

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Casually dressed colleagues going over the paperwork

The Agile Journey: Estimating in agile

Contrary to what some practitioners may think, estimating in agile is no less critical than estimating in more traditional project environments, but it is different. In this next instalment of The Agile Journey, we consider four factors to bear in mind to help boost your chances of delivering your agile projects on time.