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As a Project Manager, mitigating project risk is an everyday activity that forms the crux of every role. It is critical within this role to be able to forecast, factor or be able to alleviate project risks, that should they occur on any project, the necessary steps have been put in place to alleviate the

Kanban: A Sign of the Times

Kanban, particularly Kanban boards seem to be emerging as the ‘norm’, even expected, in today’s dynamic business environment. But what value does Kanban bring to projects and business as usual? Let’s look beyond the hype and buzzwords and understand the true value of the Kanban Method. What is Kanban? The word Kanban can literally be

Keeping your skills fresh is one of the best ways to stay relevant in a competitive job market. And even in softer recruitment cycles, possessing sought-after skills can impart an edge, including nailing that much-wanted (and deserved!) promotion. So why do so many people hit cruise control when it comes to acquiring new skills? (And

Project Management is no dusty relic of the past. Rather, Project Management continues to grow, evolve and influence individuals. Looking at the modern history of Project Management, we can note several key milestones, including: 1917 – Henry Gantt created the Gantt chart 1958 – The US Navy developed the Program Evaluation Review (PERT) for its

Modern businesswoman holding tablet

Organisations are increasingly acknowledging that a skilled business analyst plays a critical role in the success or failure of a project, however, what we know, understand, and essentially live and breathe as BAs isn’t necessarily congruent with stakeholder thinking. As analysts, we need to take the time to understand our stakeholders better and consciously facilitate

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Quick riddle: What is something that everyone wants, yet few of us manage to achieve? There are probably many great answers to this question, but a top candidate is definitely work-life balance. A poll[1] of 3,000 Australians by SEEK (which runs a portfolio of employment, education and volunteer companies) found work-life balance was the number

Top view of a board room meeting

Top 5 Facilitation Tips

The word facilitation can be interpreted differently by different people. So what does facilitation really mean for project managers, business analysts, PMOs and the business? I like to think of facilitation as the process of planning, designing and running a productive and impartial meeting or workshop (“event”).  As a Facilitator (unlike a trainer) I do not

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10-Point Project Health Checklist

Leaders Judged Harshly When They Don’t Deliver In modern corporations leadership is no longer simply about setting strategy and winning hearts and minds. Success goes to those who can make change happen. Remember the days when people considered change a bad thing? Today the general public, and therefore organisations, expect leaders to be effective change

Project Delivery Services provide a high level form of project management, including taking care of the organisation, the supervision and the administration of workers and processes that make up a project. In addition to packaging the product, the product delivery manager delivers the final product to the client. Overseeing the entire operation, the delivery manager

Is your PMO building a business or simply pushing process? Don’t worry if you mentally raised a hand at the second part of that question. You are not alone. At a recent Agile conference in the UK, this issue was tackled head on and panelists urged PMO leaders to “act like a CEO” and drive