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In the 2019/20 financial year the NSW State Government committed to invest $90B on projects in the following four years. As a result construction projects are becoming larger, more complex and inherently more risky. From 1st July 2020 all NSW Government funded projects valued at over $100 million, mandate that 20% of the workforce needs to

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Why would you hire unskilled labour when you can fill your traineeship quota with experienced workers? For several years now, the Victorian Government has mandated that all large-scale infrastructure projects use apprentices, trainees or cadets for 10% (at minimum) of their total labour hours. Project Management in Construction. Victoria’s $61.7b opportunity. Learn more At face value, it’s

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It’s a challenging business environment out there – no matter what industry you’re in. More competition, digitalisation, hyper-connectivity and a globalised marketplace have meant even the biggest players need to adapt to rapid changes. An unfortunate truth is that the COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated these issues. Organisations need to reduce their outlays while still

Illustration of a man going up the stairs

In order to move forward, change is essential. In the workplace, this means not resting on your laurels just because the current system is ‘good enough’. The competition is constantly testing out new strategies in order to do something better, reach clients faster and complete tasks more efficiently. So when it comes to learning, the

Smiling woman looking at her laptop computer and taking notes

Organisations right across Australia spend billions of dollars every year on training and upskilling their staff. Whether it’s in-office lectures, hands-on workshops or online training sessions, employers contribute a significant amount of their annual budgets to employee learning and development (L&D). So it goes without saying that you need to get it right. The problem with our

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The construction sector’s Achilles heel has been laid bare for all to see: there aren’t nearly enough project managers to oversee major infrastructure works. In fact, according to research from the Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business, only 53% of project management vacancies in construction were filled in 2019, its lowest level in eight years.

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The New South Wales Government is splashing cash on infrastructure in the hopes of stimulating the economy and increasing the number of skilled workers right across the State. New jobs, wider skill sets and a more diverse workforce are at the heart of their ambitions. However, as of 2019, only 53% of all project management

80% of the workplace is now made up of 'deskless' workers

Enter any white-collar team meeting or brainstorming session and you’ll be hard pressed not to hear buzzwords like “upskilling” and “reskilling”. With the onset of COVID-19 and the drastic digital shift that most organisations have had to endure, we’ve even started hearing about “reskilling for the future of work” – namely, digital and remote operations.

Business women having a meeting in the cafe

Continuous improvement, providing learning opportunities and upskilling staff are growing imperatives for organisations, and equally vital in these uncertain times. The unfortunate reality is that the COVID-19 crisis has crippled thousands of businesses – and even entire industries – right across the country. But rather than accept defeat, smart leaders are investing in their people

The 5 keys to effective project management in times of turbulence

We’re living in a very different world to that of 2019. It’s an environment in constant flux, with the impact of COVID-19 continuing to unfold at a rapid rate. This disruption is not only impacting the health of our communities, but our professional and personal lives as well. The uncertainty and chaos can be unsettling