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Close up of two colleagues going over the notes on the desk

Even before COVID-19 turned the business world on its head, rapid globalisation and hyper-connectivity were transforming the day-to-day for organisations. As we accelerate into 2021, Mike Boutel, PM-Partners’ Head of Training, considers the critical capabilities project managers need to arm themselves with in order to navigate the challenging road ahead. After the global pandemic threw

Businesswoman leading business presentation

For organisations to survive they must keep evolving and maturing according to market demands. In many cases this has led to a concerted shift towards agile business practices – whether that’s through an Agile delivery approach or embracing an agile culture. The result of this shift is that many roles need to change in order

Quote from Dominic Frost

Outsourcing Oceania Inc. is pleased to welcome new Chief Executive Officer Dominic Frost who formally took the reins from interim CEO Derek Quayle this month. Dominic brings extensive and varied experience to the role at PM-Partners. Combining a background in enterprise IT services and software with time in private equity, he has a proven track

Agile & Waterfall

PM-Partners Agile Learning Consultant and Facilitator Quinn Dodsworth explores what sets these two methodologies apart and explains why you always need a fit-for-purpose approach to project management in order to get the best results. Agile and Waterfall explained A cursory glance online at the value of waterfall projects will return mixed reviews. The most prevalent,

managing successful programmes pm-partners

On the run up to our webinar Managing Successful Programmes (MSP®) 5th edition – the Official Release, Tracey Copland Head of Development at PM-Partners, revisits the origins of MSP, shares some of the thinking behind the update and provides a taste of what you can expect from the new design. WHAT IS MANAGING SUCCESSFUL PROGRAMMES (MSP®)? In an

digital transformation goes global pm partners

Back in 2018, digital innovation was expected to contribute $315 billion in gross economic value to Australia over the subsequent 10 years, with that figure drawn from the impact of Australia “improving productivity growth, ICT capital investment, fostering domestic digital industries and improving export performance.” Now, thanks to COVID-19, we are seeing organisations look to digitalisation far

Business woman in an online video conference

With major disruptions to our economy, many people are facing uncertain employment prospects or have already been made redundant. True to form, networking is still one of the best ways to create new opportunities. From traditional to online events 2020 has brought many changes to the way we live and work, and networking is no

best agile tool is collaboration pm partners

As organisations work through the economic devastation of COVID-19 and individuals leave their personal bunkers, many are wondering how to work in this new market. Even more importantly, they are trying to figure out how to become more productive in a post-COVID environment. Jump online and you’ll find a plethora of blogs and advocates urging

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Sydney city skyline

Far from the traditional assumptions about what small government does and how it operates, local councils are constantly juggling new challenges in order to appease their customers, deliver projects on time and balance their own bottom line. Those challenges have been exacerbated thanks to the widespread disruption of COVID-19, but unlike some non-essential services, local

Poised to form the backbone of Australia’s economic recovery All major Victorian Government funded projects, valued at over $20m, mandate that 10% of the workforce be on a traineeship. Many organisations are unaware that a Certificate IV in Project Management BSB41515 contributes towards compliance of the mandate. In addition, the mandate rules also allow for a qualification