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Quinn Dodsworth what is the agile journey

What is the Agile journey?

If you’re looking to make your organisation more responsive to change, embarking on ‘The Agile Journey’ is not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when’. Here we outline what this journey typically entails and provide access to some of the key information you need to set off on the right foot.

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Casually dressed colleagues going over the paperwork

The Agile Journey: Estimating in agile

Contrary to what some practitioners may think, estimating in agile is no less critical than estimating in more traditional project environments, but it is different. In this next instalment of The Agile Journey, we consider four factors to bear in mind to help boost your chances of delivering your agile projects on time.

scrum team roles and responsibilities

In the fourth instalment of The Agile Journey, we delve into the make-up of a Scrum team, specifically the roles, responsibilities and attributes of the two most pivotal players: the product owner and Scrum master.

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The Agile Journey: 9 tips for embracing an agile mindset

Regardless of sector, organisations are facing a fast-paced and ever-changing business environment that calls for flexible, adaptable and more ‘agile’ ways of working. Before you can ‘do agile’ effectively, however, you first need to ‘be agile’. This involves adopting a new way of thinking or ‘agile mindset’ that is based on prescribed values and principles.

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Casually dressed colleagues in the boardroom looking at the kanban wall

Google the word ‘agile’ and you’ll end up with more than 141 million results. Agile is a very broad umbrella term, which can be viewed in many ways. It’s no wonder then that there is confusion around what agile actually is and how to implement it effectively. The Agile Journey series aims to set things

Female executive writing on sticky notes

Immersing yourself in the world of agile can lead to diverse career opportunities with plenty of room for growth. We explore what agile project management entails, how to get accredited and why agile experts are in demand.

Investing best resources in new project

Could a career in project management be for you? We explore what being a PM entails, how to get accredited and why project management is such a diverse career choice.

Business man looking at the wall with symbols

Business analysts are highly sought after across a variety of interesting sectors, but what does it actually take to become a BA and what are some of the things you can expect along the way? Here we explore the role of a business analyst and consider why a career as a BA can be so fulfilling.

Two business colleagues comparing notes

Rather than creating potential silos by enforcing an agile-only delivery approach, a hybrid PMO recognises the need for various delivery styles and gives delivery teams the option to choose the most appropriate approach for specific projects. Here’s how to build your hybrid PMO. There’s no doubt that the continuing spread of Agile approaches/ methodologies in

Illustration of a businessman running up the arrow pointing up

Looking to get back on track after the events of 2021? Find out how to align strategy with execution using the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe®) through Lean Portfolio Management. Apply lean and systems thinking to strategy and investment funding to enable business agility. Within today’s environment, organisations are struggling to make decisions about what they