Agile transformation case study

Customer background

A large data analytics firm approached PM-Partners to design a framework for delivery of their products using a Lean Startup and Agile methodology.

The challenge

The organisation had no project delivery framework (neither Waterfall nor Agile), and employees familiar with product delivery processes were rare.

How PM-Partners helped

In our initial assessment of the organisation we identified:

  • High level of readiness.
  • Low level of Agile maturity.
  • Strong cultural alignment with agile principles.

Based on these findings, we recommended the following steps:

  • Initiating transformation – PM-Partners group provided training and coaching for group executives and key stakeholders.
  • Defining a transformation roadmap – once the group executive were trained on this new concept; we collaboratively developed the transformation roadmap with key milestones and success criteria defined.
  • The pilot project – with a roadmap developed, we helped the team to choose a simple piece of work, with minimum dependency on other initiatives, to pilot the new method of working. This pilot project has met its success criteria.

Outcomes delivered

  • 3 products have been delivered using Agile methodology
  • 12 business cases have been developed
  • 4 teams are now using Agile

What’s next?

PM-Partners continues to work with the group executives to scale the success and repeat the process for three additional initiatives. The team is currently providing continuous coaching on:

  • Product lifecycle: concept, growth, maturity.
  • Delivery lifecycle: phases, workshops, deliverables.
  • Collaboration culture.
  • Concepts of Lean and Agile.

Contribution to delivery:

  • Facilitation for key workshops, across teams, programs and portfolios.
  • Running and guiding through the first sprints iterations.
  • Demonstrating where, and how, to change current styles to extract and deliver more value faster and with better quality.
  • WE DID Agile project delivery, Capability uplift, Frameworks and methodologies

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Head of Training


Singapore Sales Enquiries


Client Engagement Director

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